Those who tell the stories rule the world. \u00a0<\/strong><\/em><\/p>\n
-Hopi Native American proverb<\/em><\/strong><\/p><\/blockquote>\n
Even back in smaller populations and tribes there were influencers\u00a0<\/em>who knew how to reach people’s emotions. As emotional beings, humans are easily influenced by masters of the art of storytelling. Storytellers know how to evoke emotions in people. they know how to get a response. Storytellers thrive on building a following and having their audience beg for more.<\/p>\n\n
Star Wars is an excellent example of this in Return of the Jedi when C-3PO tells the Ewoks how they came to land on the forest moon of Endor. The Ewoks are completely emotionally engaged with 3PO’s incredible storytelling skills. No doubt this is the type of engagement you’re after. In order to find out how to get this engagement we need to go to where people are gathering.<\/p>\n
The Digital Campfire<\/h2>\n
We no longer gather around campfires but we do interact with people quite differently. Storytelling has become so important that we are checking our smartphones\u00a085 times per day<\/a>\u00a0<\/strong>(Nottingham Trent University). The modern campfire is the smartphone. It’s clear to see why designing for mobile is so important but it doesn’t stop with there.<\/p>\n
- 25% of US mobile web users only access the web from their mobile phones (On Device Research, as reported by MobiThinking)<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
It’s clear that all websites should be focused around a mobile experience.<\/p>\n
Mobile First Design<\/h2>\n
Designing for mobile is actually easier than it sounds. Tools like Safari’s “Responsive Design Mode” allow you to check your design from popular mobile screen sizes. It also allows resizing of the screen to any screen size you’d like to check. There are various web browser options and resolution sizes (1x, 2x, 3x) that can be set.<\/p>\n